
Balance - Blessoterra

Written by Chiyona Indriya | Jun 23, 2011 4:00:00 AM

Balance is the key to the universe.  Its not about eliminating all of anything because that would tip the scales off into imbalance.  It is the push and pull of this dynamic that keeps the momentum of forward motion.  This applies to all things.  The true nature of the Yin Yang.  I am here to bring the balance back into this planet.  ~Namaste

Chiyona was born to make her mark on this planet, ready to support those who are ready to take the leap forward. Her mission is to relieve pain and suffering and spread joy and love wherever she can. She helps others find and live out their higher purpose in life utilizing the tools of the Avatars from the ancient lineage of King Salomon, and grounding them into the now. Chiyona specializes in clearing negative energy from objects, buildings, and people.