This week, Osiris Indriya made a video introducing newcomers to the Max Meditation System™, a weekly drop-in class at the 10th House ~ Light Center designed to help you learn to meditate. Enjoy the show, and find all the content transcribed below.
TRANSCRIPT (with minor edits):
Look within… FIND INNER PEACE.
Hello, my name is Osiris Indriya, and I am with the 10th House ~ Light Center in Seattle, Washington. Today I am going to be sharing with you some information about the Max Meditation System™, which is something that we offer here on a weekly basis as a drop-in class, every Tuesday morning at 9:30am and every Thursday evening at 7:30pm. We go for about an hour of meditation and we have a little bit of a conversation before and afterwards.
The Max Meditation System™ is a fusion of a lot of meditation techniques into one system, so when you come to the class, you get to experience them all together, and then you can take what works best for you and take it home to your own personal practice. Specifically, we work with breathing techniques, we work with relaxation, passive meditation (or the “silent mind”), active meditation where we focus on a single thought for an extended period of time, and then we have a guided visualization at the end… which is not really meditation, but it is a way for us to integrate the work that we have been doing throughout the rest of the process, take it to the next level and have some focus together through a journey that can be either entertaining or it can be deeply meaningful depending on who is here and what the focus is for the day.
Each class that we do lasts about an hour and a half in total, and we hope that you would be willing to come and check it out and visit us at the 10th House ~ Light Center, or at one of the other area centers that is part of the Modern Mystery School network.
Thank you for listening, and we hope to see you soon.
Max Meditation System™ is a trademark of the Modern Mystery School.